In 2011 the Australian AIDS Quilt online programme disappeared, and we tried to find who was responsible for maintaining it and why it was no longer working. All the relevant organisations who had been involved with the launch of the website in the first place in 2004 were contacted, but to no avail, so we set out to try and find a way of resurrecting the Quilt blocks and panels, without any success.
We discussed it with Gary Jaynes from The Australian Lesbian and Gay Archives, (ALGA) and he suggested we try the Wayback Machine. This is an amazing resource for vanished web sites and the results were astonishing! As a consequence we have been able to rescue the Australian AIDS Quilt from oblivion and have rebuilt the site.
Although still a work in progress, we are well on the way to establishing a useful and informative set of web pages and we hope you find it easy to use and interesting.
Our grateful thanks to Gary Jaynes for his invaluable assistance.
Panel number 003007
Details: Charles French 1941-86
Panel number 003008
Details: Bobby Goldsmith. 1946 – 1984
Panel number 004001
Details: With hope for all the children
Panel number 004002
Details: pour Aldo. When we realise we are the GLITTERATI - Aldo then we can grow cherub wings & SOAR. luv Simon d.
Panel number 004003
Details: In memory of Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence of San Francisco who died of AIDS. Sister Cardio Pulmonary Resusitation. Sister Sensible Shoes. Sister Florence Nightmare. Sister Sleaze Du Jour. Panel number 004006
Details: Barry ____Panel number 004004
Details: Graeme Donkin. Always in our hearts and minds. An educator and a humanitarian.
Panel number 004005
Details: Qantas. For all the boys who have now reached their final cruise altitude.
Panel number 004007
Details: Chris Wickins. May God be with you. Our Tears May As Well be Happy For His 35 Years. 30/8/52 - 5/4/88
Panel number 004008
Details: Nigel Baumber. ciao bella. NZ AUS IT.
Panel number 005001
Details: Patrick Cowley
Panel number 005002
Details: Sylvester "Mighty Real"
Panel number 005003
Details: Bryan Panel number 005006
Details: Davo. HMAS Flinders. HMAS Oxford. In loving memory of my Dad who was the best a girl could ever have. I LOVE YOU DAD. 14.9.55 - 31.12.88 ____Panel number 005004
Details: Oliver Hall. Australia 1949 - 1986. Sydney 16 Sept
Panel number 005005
Details: Ted Menzies. 1949 – 1988
Panel number 005007
Details: Por Todos Los Que Partieron Y Partiran. Sydney '88. Marcos Correr, Jacobo, Juan, Pedro, Pancho, Mario, Aldo Genaro, Patricio Carlos, Enrique Loch, Leo Vazquez
Panel number 005008
Details: Little Colin
Panel number 006001
Details: Peter Forbes. We Love You.
Panel number 006002
Details: Graham.H
Panel number 006003
Details: Doug Artist
Panel number 006004
Details: Daryl. 6.9.56 - 8.2.89
Panel number 006005
Details: Tony
Panel number 006006
Details: Tony Maas. 25.12.88
Panel number 006007
Details: Andrew Grove. Mans Country. 1949 adelaide sydney townsville adelaide 1987
Panel number 006008
Details: Simon R Franklin. AIDS CURE FOUND. 6.7.59 - 4.1.89
Panel number 007001
Details: Michael Campbell "Mick". One Hit Wonder.Royal State. "Rasputin". "Fiesty little bugger" Des. Aldwych. New York. Lyn. Amsterdam. Robbin. 1957 - 24.4.1988
Panel number 007002
Details: Mike the Potter
Panel number 007003
Details: Hans, love always Barry Panel number 007006
Details: Carlos "Miss Malta" Bonnici. 30.11.50 - 20.7.89 _____Panel number 007004
Details: Mark. 58 - 89. You are the wind beneath our wings. Eternal Flame. What are Ya like? xx. Footsteps on the dancefloor remind us baby of you.
Panel number 007005
Details: Adrian C.
Panel number 007007
Details: Steven Andrew Cribe. May 23, 1958 November 25, 1986. He loved people and his music.
Panel number 007008
Details: Larry
Panel number 008001
Details: Chris Harrington. See America
Panel number 008002
Details: Dennis Caddy
Panel number 008003
Details: Stephen Hill $$
Panel number 008004
Details: Michael Tucak. "ADIDAS" Michael. 4-10-89
Panel number 008005
Details: Rod. The Conservationist, Acacia, Eucalyptus, Casuarina. 1950 – 1988
Panel number 008006
Details: Neng. 1952 – 1989
Panel number 008007
Details: Keith "The Angel of Keith" Robert, Tessie, Peggy, Heidi, Christine, Adam, Trudi, Sarah, James, Trish, Ian, Ryan,
Panel number 008008
Details: Brett
Panel number 009001
Details: Jon. 30.8.45 - 21.10.89
Panel number 009002
Details: Matt Harnetty. The party goes on. 4.7.61 - 11.5.89
Panel number 009003
Details: Christian 1964 - 1989. Nicky, Kevin Carole, Rosie, Mum, Nan, Pop, Bro, Kerry, Jay. Panel number 009006
Details: Yvon. 13.7.1921 - 24.03.1989. MENTHE MENTHE MENTHE. Odette, Betty, Philippe, Ivan, Paul, Jerome, Tade _____Panel number 009004
Details: Graeme Donkin. 1943 - 1985. Donkin for Bligh. Mother don't ask.
Panel number 009005
Details: Jim Armstrong. First treasurer of ACON, counsellor for the disabled and a man who you couldn't help but love and respect. Jim for services to the gay community, to mankind in general and for being the most wonderful friend and lover. We honour your memory.
Panel number 009007
Details: Tone Wieruszewski. 10.10.55 - 7.2.89
Panel number 009008
Details: Kerry
Panel number 010001
Details: John Christopher Davies. 1945 – 1989
Panel number 010002
Details: Perry Standerwick. 17.6.61 - 10.2.90
Panel number 010003
Details: Perry. 17.6.61 - 10.2.90 (rainbow) Panel number 010006
Details: Andrew. AP 49 - 89. Bon Voyage Mate. Love always... _____Panel number 010004
Details: Laurence Howard. 13.1.55 - 31.8.89 NZ
Panel number 010005
Details: Bill Hargreaves. 19.12.56 - 5.10.89. Xmas for Bill
Panel number 010007
Details: In memory of those teenagers who died of AIDS
Panel number 010008
Details: John Pratley
Panel number 011001
Details: Alex. (flag of Australia)
Panel number 011002
Details: Donnie Smith "Mandy". Sydney
Panel number 011003
Details: Michael Carter
Panel number 011004
Details: Hunter Region ____Panel number 011005
Details: SAM
Panel number 011006
Details: Bradley Chalmers. 1990
Panel number 011007
Details: Doug. 4.6.57 - 10.6.89
Panel number 011008
Details: James Neale. 5.11.33 - Feb 1990. Scorpio. The Gold of the Pharoah. The Beauty of Life the Sadness and Grief of Death are interwined with the Constancy and Steadfastness of LOVE. To Jim from his friends.
Panel number 012001
Details: Christian Carrington. 1.4.64 - 23.10.89
Panel number 012002
Details: Peter Nonnemacher, 34. Duchess of Dowling St.
Panel number 012003
Details: Bob Wicks. 1939 – 1990
Panel number 012004
Details: Keith Robinson. Ode to Keith, with love Alan + Clive. ____Panel number 012005
Details: In loving memory John D... His soul shall be as a watered garden, and he... shall sorrow no more.
Panel number 012006
Details: Stephen Hill. August 1989. Our Stevie Wonder
Panel number 012007
Details: Scott Edmunds.
Panel number 012008
Details: Stephen Hill. Love for Love's sake alone and you have solved every mystery.
No panel photo available at the moment.
Panel number 013001
Details: This panel is dedicated to those who have been in our care. From the staff at the AIDS Reference Centre. "Our candle may flicker in the icy wind and die, but the light in our hearts can never be dimmed."
Panel number 013002
Details: Ian Nolan. Sydney University Regiment. Australian Labor Party. 76 3MD Orienteering.
Panel number 013003
Details: David. 28
Panel number 013004
Details: Garry Allen. 29
Panel number 013005
Details: Wayne Adams. 1961 - 1990 "Winnie" Perth
Panel number 013006
Details: Dr Bill "DAD" Pruitt. I love you. I miss you. Billy.
Panel number 013007
Details: Eric J Michaels. Yurntumu, Kintore, Ernabella. Sydney, Brisbane, Perth, Canberra, Alice Springs.
Panel number 013008
Details: Gunter
Panel number 014001
Details: Hamish McEwan
Panel number 014002
Details: Luke Geoffrey
Panel number 014003
Details: Wilfred Fulton.
Panel number 014004
Details: In loving memory "Ian" June 1989. This Quilt be my word so that I may speak not to one but all thiose I know and know not this quilt be my word for they are the ones... _____Panel number 014005
Details: Andrew John Shaw. 1961 - 1987. For "Panda" Love from "Goo". See you Sunshine!
Panel number 014006
Details: Colin. 1962 - 1990. For God so loved the world so much that he gave his only begotten son. That whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
Panel number 014007
Details: Donald Fraser. 19.6.90
Panel number 014008
Details: Kent Lee McLaws. 9.8.1956 - 8.7.1986
Panel number 015001
Details: Robert Castle. Designer, Perth, London, Houston
Panel number 015002
Details: Pete: Memories We Share.
Panel number 015003
Details: Neville "Nev" Martin. ROO BC Sydney. USA. Qantas. My Brother, My Friend.
Panel number 015008
Details: Marcus Alistair Shereb-Peters. 5.1.65 - 17.8.90
Panel number 016001
Details: From the Carers of E 10 W
Panel number 016002
Details: Neil Costello, nearly 30. Arohanui. _____Panel number 016003
Details: Tim Wilson
Panel number 016004
Details: Rob O'Brien
Panel number 016005
Details: Rodney Carroll
Panel number 016006
Details: Alan and Leyland.
Panel number 016007
Details: Mark Oliver. 16.10.51 - 29.10.86
Panel number 016008
Details: Terence Bell
Panel number 017001
Details: Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence Sydney.In memory of Sister Barbarella Ars Erotica. Professed 25.09.82 Died 12.08.89. Cruise Men Not Missiles
Panel number 017002
Details: Barry Sneyd loved the Australian lifesavers, the Iron Man competitions and the worlds most beaitiful, yet dangerous, beaches. To my darling Barry Cat, Lots of Love + Kisses 1990
Panel number 017003
Details: Alex. 1958 – 1990 ____Panel number 017004
Details: Alex
Panel number 017005
Details: With love from the friends of Jon Sweeney. 09.04.45 - 14.10.89
Panel number 017006
Details: Mr Sydney H Bridge. Col. Loved and rembered by: Pix, Miss.G.Woof, Bill & Ron, Rabbit & P.C. ____Panel number 017007
Details: David 1951 – 1990
Panel number 017008
Details: Ralph Deacon. 1945 – 1989
Panel number 018001
Details: Charlie Briggs. 3.6.52 - 3.9.88
Panel number 018002
Details: Peter Bennet
Panel number 018003
Details: Ian. "I never knew I had so mush support, Thankyou everybody."
Panel number 018004
Details: Phillip Warner. "I could read it quite clearly in his palm. There would be a terrible tragedy. My love could not protect him, DM." ___Panel number 018005
Details: Remember their names
Panel number 018006
Details: Women in Africa ___Panel number 018007
Details: Ian John Harris. 12.12.61 - 10.12.88 "Squirrel"
Panel number 018008
Details: Paul 33 years
Panel number 019001
Details: David Bray. 22.10.53 - 12.6.89 with love John. "Jackaroos" Melbourne
Panel number 019002
Details: Alex - Melbourne '88, Greg, Neville, Marty, Melbourne '90
Panel number 019003
Details: AIDS is more than statistics. See the faces behind the figures.
Panel number 019006
Details: Neil Brown. 8.11.1953 - 7.10.1989 ____Panel number 019004
Details: Michael J Chambers
Panel number 019005
Details: To all the children who have died from AIDS. From Beverley Hills Primary School, Grade Six 1989.
Panel number 019007
Details: Allan, Ross, Peter. The ALSO Foundation.
Panel number 019008
Details: Chris Boniface. 20.12.50 to 2.12.89
Panel number 020001
Details: Chris Carter. 9.4.1952 - 19.8.1990. Australian Democrats for Melbourne.
Panel number 020002
Details: Ron McLeish. "A little bit country." David, Mark, Jess.
Panel number 020003
Details: Mervyn MacAnish. 1989. Malvern Mini Marathon. Nungarin Primary School. Kalgoorlie.
Panel number 020004
Details: Mark ___Panel number 020005
Details: In loving memory of Bruce. 21.10.37 - 20.1.89
Panel number 020006
Details: Julian Desailly. 1951 – 1990
Panel number 020007
Details: To the Dancers dancing in time, till a silence fell with the waking bird, and a hush with the setting moon. from Peter & Joe. Simon, Bill, Stephen, Colin, Michael, "Pollywaffle", Steven, Matt, Ian, Alex, John, "Chantelle", Tony, Joe, George, Bruce.
Panel number 020008
Details: For the hidden
Panel number 021001
Details: Glenn. 14.7.54 - 15.5.89 "We'll always be bosom buddies."
Panel number 021002
Details: Simon. You are the wind beneath our wings. 15.6.1958 - 8.10.1990
Panel number 021003
Details: Raymond "Roughnut" Suzuki. 1955 - 1991. In loving memory of our Son. Ricki
Panel number 021004
Details: Damien Honor. 26.5.53 - 22.3.89
Panel number 021005
Details: Cruisers MCC Melbourne. In memory of Greg, Lindsay, Charlie, Stewart.
Panel number 021006
Details: P.A.Gere 4.9.90 - In our hearts always.
Panel number 021007
Details: Graeme Holt. 18.2.52 - 9.5.90. Strength Courage Love Hope. (Kevin Rick)
Panel number 022001
Details: Robert John Pearse. 19.9.1949 - 23.3.1989 "The Spider"
Panel number 022002
Details: Peter Knight. 22.3.1946 - 18.10.1985. Founder, Victorian AIDS Council Support Group.
Panel number 022003
Details: Paul. 1954 - 1990. Dear Paul, you were a loyal friend to me, always there for others in time of need. I know that you are now in a better place. Fond memories of a dear friend.
Panel number 022004
Details: Marcus McLaggan. 1962 – 1987
Panel number 022005
Details: Rodney Clarke. 1961 - 1991. 30 fabulous years.
Panel number 022006
Details: John Nash. 1.12.54 - 6.5.90 "I always dreamt of retiring at 35." J.N.
Panel number 022007
Details: Adrian. 25.7.63 - 31.1.91 Arohanui. "Love holds the key to the world".
Panel number 022008
Details: Donald John Bachelder. 1952 - 1989. from Mark, Bartley, Chris 1991
Panel number 023001
Details: We will never forget.
Panel number 023002
Details: David Tosh. died at home, 2.50am 3rd May, 1990, aged 30 years.
Panel number 023003
Details: David. 27.5.50 - 11.1.90
Panel number 023004
Details: Ross Brunskill
Panel number 023005
Details: Thankyou Dr. Tom Waddell. Team Sydney.
Panel number 023006
Details: Edward Randal Moss. 1940 – 1987
Panel number 023007
Details: John Hardy. Lovingly remembered since 1951.
Panel number 023008
Details: Eric Swallow
Panel number 024001
Details: Frank U
Panel number 024002
Details: Wayne, Michael, Steven, Kevin, Anthony, Terry.
Panel number 024003
Details: Garry Pye. 1947 - 1990. Founder of Acceptance.
Panel number 024004
Details: Andrew Coull
Panel number 024005
Details: Brian James. 1962 – 1990
Panel number 024006
Details: Brian McGahen. 1952 – 1990
Panel number 024007
Details: David E. Thompson
Panel number 024008
Details: Roger Sperring
Panel number 025001
Details: David and Stephen MacKay. Sadly Missed.
Panel number 025002
Details: John David Willmont. Babe, In a sunray sky of faded blue denim and pink sequence my lover/husband is only one rainbow away, and singing with God.
Panel number 025003
Details: Trevor Chris 1957 1990
Panel number 025004
Details: Stewart James Lochran
Panel number 025005
Details: Alex Charles. 4.5.1944 - 15.12.1990. "Be still my soul".
Panel number 025006
Details: George Cooke. 14.11.1990.
Panel number 025007
Details: Ivan, July 1990
Panel number 025008
Details: Michael Hardy
Panel number 026001
Details: Peter Charles Harthoorn. 1956 - 1985.
Panel number 026002
Details: Richard
Panel number 026003
Details: Ted Kelk. 1928 - 1991. QAGLR.
Panel number 026004
Details: Shane
Panel number 026005
Details: St. Lukes Nursing Service Brisbane. Est 1904. We Remember.
Panel number 026006
Details: Paul Cruice : Dennis White
Panel number 026007
Details: Ken Turner. 27.2.55 - 8.4.90. Rockhampton.
Panel number 026008
Details: Daniel Stephen Church. 26.10.61 - 18.1.91
Panel number 027001
Details: Carlos, Michael Gutherie, Tony Gutherie, Lionel Muller, Paul Bryant, Paul Cruise, David Joyce, Paul Stocks, Wayne Caufield. Robert John Orr.
Panel number 027002
Details: John Saundry, Ric Darling, Alan Booth, Andrew Carter, David Baden, Paul Aurther, Robin Muiry, Paul Young, Terry Giblett. Robert John Orr.
Panel number 027003
Details: Kimberley Kids Care.
Panel number 027004
Details: Alan K. 1945 to May 14th 1991.
Panel number 027005
Details: Wayne "Winnie" Caulfield. Keep Dancing.
Panel number 027006
Details: Michael Guthrie. "Aschaka Khan. Would say! Ain't nobody does it better! Michael!.. your lover and friend, Robert John Orr.
Panel number 027007
Details: Dale Grant. "Yabba, Yabba, Yabba..."
Panel number 027008
Details: Ric Darling
Panel number 028001
Details: John Merry. 8.8.54 - 19.9.91. Big John. "Jackaroos"
Panel number 028002
Details: Jon. Friends are Forever.
Panel number 028003
Details: Philip Maczkowiak. died 29.5.88. Loved by your friends. Metropolitan Community Churches, Adelaide, South Australia.
Panel number 028004
Details: Alfred. 1988. Remembering our quiet times, love Mark.
Panel number 028005
Details: Greg John Favero. 28.5.60 - 11.9.91 "He Lived. He Loved. He Laughed. He Cried. He Died."
Panel number 028006
Details: Royce S. We love you. Thinking of you everyday.
Panel number 028007
Details: Zdenko Ragan
Panel number 028008
Details: Bernard John Zoladziewski. 8.11.1959 - 14.7.1990 "Bernie Zed".
Panel number 029001
Details: Martin Borg. 1955 - 1987. "Love is more thicker than forget..."
Panel number 029002
Details: Peter Byrnes. Born 22.8.55 Lost to AIDS 2.7.91 "At home Everywhere".
Panel number 029003
Details: Peter Bloomfield
Panel number 029004
Details: Peter Hude. Great times and memories, love xx Michael
Panel number 029005
Details: Tim
Panel number 029006
Details: Peter M. Grady. 1958 - 1991. "...the melody is not the voice and the notes anymore than the painting is the pigment and the canvas."
Panel number 029007
Details: John McDowell. In memory of my friend.
Panel number 029008
Details: Adam Harriott
Panel number 030001
Details: David MacKay. 3.12.51 - 8.10.89 "Precious are the tears that fall in the name of true love, And precious is the heart whose door is open."
Panel number 030002
Details: Andrew Carter. 1954 – 1991
Panel number 030003
Details: Ken Charnock. 1954 – 1991
Panel number 030004
Details: Tim Rigg. 1947 - 1990 "Our Main Man".
Panel number 030005
Details: KIT
Panel number 030006
Details: Carlos Zincke. 1957 - 1990. " I've not left a great mark on this world, but I am here and I've existed. People know me, care for me, and will hopefully remember me when I'm gone."
Panel number 030007
Details: Robin Murie. 33 years. 2.5.58 - 20.5.91
Panel number 030008
Details: Doug, 10.7.1987
Panel number 031001
Details: John "Gilda" Golding. 1945 - 1990. Fondest memories of John Golding and his music.
Panel number 031002
Details: Greg Rohlf "Gracey" 1964 – 1991
Panel number 031003
Details: Norma Parker Centre, NSW, Australia. A correctional centre for women. Project of HIV AIDS Committee.
Panel number 032001
Details: To Gary from the WooloomooLoosers Raffle
Panel number 032002
Details: Zsa-Zsa, 1991
Panel number 032003
Details: Peter Davis. "Bali" Tshirt.
Panel number 032004
Details: Freedom for PWA's HIV
Panel number 032005
Details: Richard Timmins. 1947 - 1987. Part of us went with you, Part of you is with us always. "Loving You". your family and Oleg.
Panel number 032006
Details: Kevin Binger. My Love my Life, always in my heart my friend, Shalom, Gavin.
Panel number 032007
Details: Mike Walters. Qantas Reservations and ticket offices remember, Mike Walters. "Hawaii".
Panel number 032008
Details: Sharing the Challenge.
Panel number 033001
Details: Tony Guthrie. 1951 - 1990. Hairdresser / Makeup artist.
Panel number 033002
Details: In memory of Brett Aitchison and Willem Venter. May all beings be well and happy. Shakyamuni Buddha Hospice.
Panel number 033003
Details: Michael Francis. 1960 - 1990.
Panel number 033004
Details: Monty Dean Peuker
Panel number 033005
Details: Richard John McGuire. 28.11.64 - 17.6.91 "Keep on riding until we meet again".
Panel number 033006
Details: Ken Stanger. 1950 – 1991
Panel number 033007
Details: Michael Connor "Shelly"
Panel number 033008
Details: David Robert Reis. 1944 - 1991 "There is one glory of the sun and another glory of the moon and another glory of the stars; for one star differeth from another star in glory."
Panel number 034001
Details: John Green. 3.11.1949 - 27.3.1990 "Lets Party"
Panel number 034002
Details: J.F.M.
Panel number 034003
Details: Keith Harring. Kee schlechda Buuwa. Kutztown.
Panel number 034004
Details: Paul, David, Ida, Bede, Chris, Teresa, Patrick, Sam, Les, John, Colin, Bruce, Tom, Ann, Richard, Henry, Mary, Michael, Scott.
Panel number 034005
Details: Phillip Davis. 22.1.1959 - 24.1.1991
Panel number 034006
Details: Dr Warren Stowe. 11.5.52 - 13.9.89
Panel number 034007
Details: Marc Felshaw. 1963 - 1991. Mr Cha Cha Heels. Teardrops on the dancefloor.
Panel number 035001
Details: To My Uncle Ferree. 7th April 1950 - 2nd June 1989.
Panel number 035002
Details: Andrew Carter. 1954 - 1991. There is a light in this world a healing spirit more powerful than any darkness we may encounter...
Panel number 035003
Details: Douglas Marshall. 1965 - 1991. "gone shopping xxx"
Panel number 035004
Details: Lionel Muller.
Panel number 035005
Details: Kevin Ash. 1991
Panel number 035006
Details: Maitraya. Sydney's Centre for PLWAS and their friends. Wil ADLER, Ron ANDREWS, Peter BAINES, Michael BERGAMASCHINO, Sam BONAFACIO, Norman BOYLE, Andrew CARTER, David CHESNEY, Daniel CHURCH, Jean CLAVERIE, Peter CORNWALL, Peter DAVIS, Glen EVANS, Greg FENT
Panel number 035007
Details: Silverwater Goal. We Care. Inmate 1991.
Panel number 035008
Details: Mark 29, beloved partner of Elwyn, 1989.
Panel number 036001
Details: Scott Fletcher. 20.6.59 - 15.7.90
Panel number 036002
Details: Charles McCoy. 1936 - 1989. A gentle man of love and taste, A man of endless charm and grace, A man of loyalty to his friends, A man of dignity to the end, our friend loved and missed...
Panel number 036003
Details: Glen Evans. 1955 – 1990
Panel number 036004
Details: Terry Waide. 22.7.52 - 23.12.91
Panel number 036005
Details: David Leitch. 1955 - 1990. Gentle Brave Loving Loved.
Panel number 036006
Details: Ron Park
Panel number 036007
Details: Peter Hill. Born Adelaide 1952. Died Canberra 1991.
Panel number 036008
Details: Neil. 1949 – 1989
Panel number 037001
Details: Shane Allan Maddick
Panel number 037002
Details: Damian. 3.11.63 - 17.10.91
Panel number 037003
Details: Paul "Dook". 1962 – 1991
Panel number 037004
Details: Geoffrey Gordon Smith. 7.6.1943 - 9.8.1991. The Sentimental Bloke.
Panel number 037005
Details: Paul Young. HIV Living Legend. AIDS MegaStar.
Panel number 037006
Details: Anglican Parish Enmore & Stanmore. For our friends, family, parishioners who have died.
Panel number 037007
Details: Dr Stephen Barker. 20.2.62 - 1.8.91
Panel number 037008
Details: Mark Gregg. 29.1.55 - 24.3.91
Panel number 038001
Details: Group panel - 174 people.
Panel number 039001
Details: Keith Peters. 1946 – 1991
Panel number 039002
Details: John Colton. woz here. 28.7.55 - 5.8.91. Melbourne Tram Ways.
Panel number 039003
Details: Stephen Omeara. 1957 – 1992
Panel number 039004
Details: Keith Harbour AM. President Victorian AIDS Council. Convenor VAC Support Groups. Co-Founder AIDS Coalition To Unleash Power. Executive Member Aust Fed of AIDS Organisations. Founder Nat People Living with AIDS Coalition. Order of Australia.
Panel number 039005
Details: Stephen Power. 1962 – 1990
Panel number 039006
Details: Ian Fraser. 1949 - 1991 Love Elva
Panel number 039007
Details: Paul Wessel. 1965 – 1990
Panel number 039008
Details: Neville Goujon. 24.12.1954 - 5.12.1991. China my China. Chant - Carlton cheer squad. Boom Chinka Boom.
Panel number 040001
Details: Pax Tecum Dear Greg. 5.12.60 - 2.2.91 Love Mum Dad Family + Friends.
Panel number 040002
Details: Louis Tesconi. 1950 - 1991 Founder of Damien Ministries Washington DC. Loved and Revered in Australia.
Panel number 040003
Details: Greg Reynolds. 1962 – 1991
Panel number 040004
Details: Sandy Whyte. 1954 - 1989 Love is Forever.
Panel number 040005
Details: Trevor Kent. Woof Buddy...
Panel number 040006
Details: Alexander Walter Humphrey.
Panel number 040007
Details: Ian Goller
Panel number 040008
Details: Dig Fairley. 3.10.45 - 15.1.92
Panel number 031005
Details: H.M.Prison Pentridge. Dedicated to all those people who have died from AIDS in Australian prisons...(K Div. Unit 5 - Pentridge)
21 NOVEMBER 2013
The following information has been received from Anni Turnbull of the PowerHouse Museum in Sydney:
"All of the 97 Australian AIDS Memorial Quilts we have acquired are now on line and can be viewed here
Australian AIDS Memorial Quilts
The Museum's fabulous team of volunteers have also been documenting (as much as we can ) information on the individual panels and are up to Quilt 88 so by early next year (2014) the panel information will be up in detail.